Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Flip-Flop For Obama

With the focus of national politics this week on energy policies, Barack Obama has gone back on his original plan to not tap the national strategic oil reserve. He instead suggested selling 70 million barrels of oil for, "less expensive crude." Obama said that the measure has been used in the past to lower gasoline prices in a matter of only two weeks.

Less than a month ago, Obama said that the oil reserve should not be exploited as a means to lower energy costs. He backed a congressional resolution that intended to suspend adding to the strategic oil reserves.

Obama also said that the U.S. should tap the National Petrolium Reserve in Alaska to increase oil and gasoline production.

Obama's 180 is surely the first occurrence of what is to be many new energy stretegies employed by the two presidential candidates this week. Energy is at the fore-front of political news and, as gas prices continue to drop, this week could prove to be a make-or-break time for the two presidential hopefuls.


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